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Request a refund

If you wish to request a refund for a specific payment or general credit to your account, please fill in the below form.

We will review your request within the next 5 working days. If for any reason we cannot accept your refund request, we will be in touch within this time. 

Please note, all refund requests are handled in line with our refund policy.

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Please provide us with the following details so we can review your refund request.

Contact information

Please enter your 8-digit account number (for credit billed customers) or 19-digit payment number (for PAYG customers).

Type refund

Proof of payment. Please provide a copy of your payment receipt.*

Refund amount

Please provide the refund amount you wish to request in GBP (£).

Comments & consent

*Mandatory field. We need this information so our team can better help you; please find our privacy notice here.

Insite Energy, Studio 4 Stuart House, St John’s Street, Peterborough, PE1 5DD

Insite Energy is registered by the FCA for anti-money laundering.