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How can we help?

Emergency issues

Why hasn’t my top-up appeared?

If you think a payment may not have been registered on your pay-as-you-go (PAYG) system, please check your PAYG meter display to see if the credit has been applied. If it hasn’t, please follow the below instructions for Guru Hub II, Guru Hub I, and Secure PAYG systems.

If you are a KURVE customer and received an email receipt following payment but it still hasn't appeared on your account after one (1) hour, please get in touch with our helpdesk and we will investigate this for you.

Guru 2

Please read the below instructions or watch this video: 

1. Press 'Enter Code' on the hub:

2. Use the numeric keypad to enter the 20-digit top-up code from your payment receipt. 

3. Once you have typed the code, press 'Enter' and then hub will confirm the new balance, you may receive an error message at this stage but if you return to your home screen the top up will have applied. 

Guru 1

1. Press 'Top Up' on the hub:

2. Use the numeric keypad to enter the top up code:

3. Return to the main screen and you will see your balance

Secure Pipit 500

1. Enter the 'Account' menu, then press 'Top Up':

2. Use the numeric keypad to enter the 20-digit top-up code:

3. Your balance will now be updated.

If you have not received a top up code on your payment receipt, please contact customer services via our ‘Contact us’ page. Our team will be able to provide you with your top up code.

What do I do if I have a problem with my heating and hot water?

If you are a credit billing customer and normally receive a bill from us via email or post, please contact your heat provider first.

If you have a smart pay-as-you-go (PAYG) meter in your home, please conduct the following checks:

  1. Are both your heating and hot water affected? If only one is affected, please contact your heat provider.
  2. If both heating and hot water are affected, please check that you have credit on your account by checking your in-home display. If you're account is in credit, please contact your heat provider. If you don’t, please top up.

Please visit our 'My Development' section and search for your development to find emergency contact details for your building.

If you are having problems contacting your heat provider, please get in touch with Insite Energy via our Contact Us page.

How do I report a problem?

If there’s a problem with the heating & hot water supply to your home, you will need to contact the heat provider for your building.

Your heat provider is your building owner or landlord - they operate the heat network that provides heating & hot water to your home.

If your heat provider thinks something may be wrong with your smart meter, you can book a visit from one of our engineers via our 'Contact us' page.

I can't find my building’s telephone number, my postcode isn’t valid on the website.

The telephone number for your landlord or building owner will appear on any letters or emails they may have sent to you.

Your emergency contact details are also in the welcome brochure you received from us when you moved in, and available by searching for your development or postcode on the 'My Development' page on our website. Your landlord should provide a customer services telephone number on their website.

Insite Energy is registered by the FCA for anti-money laundering.